Year 4 Staff

Miss Pickering
Class teacher
Mrs McNulty
Support Staff

Welcome to Year 4

Curriculum Information

Please note, year 4's PE and LOTC day is a Thursday. Please ensure correct kit is worn.

Further Information

Top Ten Resources

Username:  holy-family-al7
Password:  home-7
Parent Portal:  www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal/

Multiplication Check

Access:  www.timestables.co.uk

In preparation of our national multiplication test, I would like children to go on the following link and try to beat their own score. For each answer, children will be given 6 seconds. It is imperative for us to work together to help your child to succeed in this test. Please help your child at home to practice the multiplication tables verbally and on the computer, to improve the speed of their answers.

Recommended reads for year 4

Statutory Spellings year 3 and 4

The Word Assembly

Every week the children attend our word assembly on a Thursday afternoon. Our word assembly reflects the teachings from the Sunday Mass of that week. Please click on the following link to access the resources and weekly mission:  www.wednesdayword.org

Mental Health

Talk to children about feelings

How to handle stress

Gallery of Learning