Holy Family operates a soft start opening meaning that classrooms are open to children from 8.45am. The school week is 32.5 hours.
10.15 - 10.30
10.30 - 10.45
Registration & prayer
KS1 Break time
KS2 Break time
Lunchtime Nursery
Morning nursery ends
Lunchtime KS1
Lunchtime KS2
KS1 Afternoon lessons
KS2 Afternoon lessons
Prayer & home time
If your child is unwell, please call the office by 9.30am on the day of absence.
Please Note: The School Governors follow County policy which states that absence for holidays taken during term time will be recorded as an unauthorised absence on the child’s record. In exceptional circumstances and if a child's attendance is 96% or above, the Head Teacher may authorise an absence. Any request for an absence during term time must be submitted in writing.
Arriving Late/Leaving Early
Should your child arrive after 9am, please bring them to the school office (not directly to their classrooms as normal) and sign them in.
Please keep doctor, dentist etc appointments in school time to a minimum. Again, the children must be signed in and out at the school office.
School dinners are payable in advance using the online app. At the end of each term the amount required for the following term is displayed in the newsletter. We operate the pupil choice menu; please ensure that you support your child to choose their meal in advance using the online app. If your child has an allergy, intolerance or special diet then please see Herts Catering Policy on our policy section and the statement on allergy, intolerance and special diet.
Home packed lunches should be brought in one container. Water is provided for all children.
School Milk
School milk is available for all KS1 children if required. Milk letters are sent home every term and payment is made on a termly basis. Further letters are available from the office.
Children in Reception who do not have milk are provided with water.
Car parking
When parking outside of school please park with consideration to the residents of Crookhams. It is safer to park a distance from the school and walk the remainder of your journey. Please DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, park over the school driveway or in the disabled bays marked on the road. Thank you for your co-operation.
One Way System
During busy times such as the beginning and the end of the school day, we recommend that a clockwise one way system is followed in order to ease congestion.