Nursery Staff

Miss Tinsley
Class teacher
Mrs Lovell
Class teacher
Mrs Swircz
Early Years Practitioner

New parents information 2023


The long term plan gives an overview of the topics and skills we shall be working on in Nursery throughout the year. This is a working document which is constantly being evaluated and enhanced.

Curriculum Letters

Curriculum letters provide an overview of topics and activities each half term.

Nursery curriculum letter Summer 1

Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge organisers are written each half term to provide more details of topics and activities.

Knowledge organiser Autumn 1

Nursery Knowledge Organiser Spring 1 Celebrations

Nursery Knowledge Organiser Spring 2 Spring Growth

Nursery Knowledge Organiser Summer 1 Minibeasts

Extra Information:

  • We have LOTC (Learning Outside the Classroom) on Monday

  • We visit the library on Thursday

  • We have PE on Friday

RSE in Nursery

Life to the Full is a programme in Relationship and Health Education for Catholic primary schools   throughout the UK. This programme is rooted in a Christian understanding of the human person, based on   “A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum” provided by the Catholic Education Service. Parents can use the following login details for more information on the programme:

Username:  holy-family-al7
Password:  home-7
Parent Portal:  www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal/

Our Gallery of Learning

Additional Activities

Additional activities to do at home with your child.

  • Look at numbers/ shapes in the environment.

  • Count everyday items – stairs, socks, knives and forks, pointing to each one as a number is said.

  • Practise putting shoes and socks on and off.

  • Practise putting own coat on and fastening.

  • Share the weekly Wednesday word Gospel reading with your child.

  • Share a story with your child. Discuss the events, setting, characters.
    Ask questions such as 'What do you think will happen next?' Let your child turn the page.

  • Ask your child to retell the story from your memory? Do you have any questions about the characters or the story? Answer 'how' or 'why' questions based on the story.

  • Give your child a challenge. Can they follow more than 1 instruction? They could be silly things such as 'First, find a sock, then, put it on your hand, finally, sing a song with your sock as a puppet with a funny voice'! See if they follow more and more instructions at once!

  • When doing an activity, ask a 'how' or 'why' question and see if the children can answer them, e.g. 'why do you think the ball floats on the water?', 'why do these bugs hide under a log?', 'how do you think this character is feeling?', 'how do birds fly?'. The children's ideas can be so amazing!

  • Can you follow two part instructions?

  • Create and tell a story with your toys as the characters.

Can you say our morning prayer?

How you can support your child with reading at home