At The Holy Family School, we believe that Religious Education is an education for life. We strive to live out explicitly the Catholic life and mission of our school. Working and growing together we aim to provide the best education for all our pupils in all areas of the curriculum. Religious Education is the foundation upon which all other areas of the curriculum are built; it underpins the philosophy of everything we teach. All staff have a responsibility for fostering Religious Education, encouraging children to value themselves as individuals and recognise their place in our world.


We work closely with our parents and parish, together with them and our pupils we aim to create in The Holy Family School a community of love where Gospel values are witnessed to and where all we do is based on the teachings of Christ. We aim to nurture and nourish the seed of Faith sown at Baptism, assisting parents in this responsibility. We encourage each pupil’s unique and individual growth and development, as they progress along their life journey.

Our aims and objectives for Religious Education are based on the Come and See scheme and the key document for Catholic Education the RE Curriculum Directory for Catholic Schools.

The Curriculum Directory for Catholic Schools, guides us to promote the following:

  • Knowledge and understanding of Catholic faith and life.

  • Knowledge and understanding of the response of faith to the ultimate questions about human life, its origin and purpose.

  • The skills required to engage in examination of and reflection upon religious belief and practice.

Religious Education – Curriculum Intent

At The Holy Family Catholic School our mission statement, ‘As a family we live, love, learn and celebrate with Jesus’ embodies all that we are about and we strive to keep this mission at the core of everything we do. Whether it is learning or playing, we aim to create a family like environment whereby our pupils have the capacity to flourish and achieve their full potential. We value our pupils for who they are rather than what they can do and they are given every opportunity for educational development to the highest level. Success is celebrated for every pupil and all pupils are given the opportunities to succeed. Within our RE curriculum, we support and develop our pupil’s knowledge of Religion Education, so that they are able to learn from and about Religion.

Religious Education Curriculum at Holy Family

Religious Education Scheme of Work Overview – Come and See

A=At The Holy Family school we follow the Come and See scheme.

The Come and See scheme that we use is a basis for RE teaching, builds upon and secures previous learning, ensuring that key facts and vocabulary are secured. We nurture in our pupils a desire for knowledge and understanding of the world around them.  Through RE, pupils develop their knowledge of world faiths and an awareness of the beliefs, value and traditions of other faiths. As such we encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and to reflect upon their own beliefs, values and experiences. We are immensely proud of our young pupils as they grow and develop to become confident, caring young adults who are able to articulate and formulate ideas.



RE Curriculum Map

RE Long term plan

RE Knowledge Organisers - Autumn Term