As a Family We Live, Love, Learn and Celebrate withJesus'
Special Education Needs
at Holy Family Catholic Primary
School Values
Family, Honesty, Trust, Acceptance, Sharing
Transitions may include:
Joining Nursery or Reception
Joining Holy Family from another primary school
changing year groups moving from primary to secondary school
Moving from mainstream to specialist setting
Graduated Approach
Assess, Plan, Do, Review
Child Centered Planning: a working document specifying targets and strategies in place for the child, reviewed termly. Child's CCP is uploaded to Arbor
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Nurture referral forms are used within school for early intervention. Examples of intervention may include:
Drawing and Talking
Lego Therapy
ELSA (Emotional Support Assistant)
Sand Play
Protective Behaviours
Referrals to external support
Key Websites
- School Website
- DSPL 5 (Delivering Special Provision Locally)
- Local Offer
Click DSPL5, Holy Family's Website, Local Offer for further information
Access to External Services
SEND Specialist Advice Support
(SAS, 0-25)
Special Advisory Teachers work in teams to cover different areas of need to support staff in school with children who need extra support with learning.
Deaf & Hearing Support Service (HI)
Speech, Language, Communication & Autism Team (SLCA)
Early Years SEND Team
Click SAS form more information
Behaviour Outreach
Click DSPL5 Behaviour Outreach to find out more
Learning Outreach
Provision Mapping
Document to detail the interventions taking place over the course of the year
School Family Workers
Wealth of knowledge to support families.
Click SFW for more information
Additional parent meetings
Families offered an additional 20 minute meeting termly with SENCO (usually after parent consultations) to further discuss child's progress and identified need.
Looking for further advice or support?
Key Documents
- SEND Offer
- SEND Policy
- SEND Information Report
Click Policies to read
Support on a page for other services
This is the main page: Services for children and young people
The each type of service on a page is available from that site:
Mental health services directory:
CYPMHS Service Directory
Learning difficulties and disabilities:
Learning Difficulties Directory Support on a Page
Deafness and sight loss:
Deafness and Sight Loss Directory Support on a Page
Physical Needs:
Physical Needs Directory Support on a Page
Behaviours that challenge:
Behaviours That Challenge Service Directory
Visiting The Holy Family Catholic Primary School
For visual instructions please click here
Neurodiversity Resources
The Neurodiversity Support Hub
The Hub offers expert support for Neurodiversity, providing answers to any questions, big or small, and offering a listening ear. No diagnosis is required to access this support, which is available to parents, carers, and professionals. Call the team on 01727 833963 (answerphone available out of hours) or email at
Digital Webinars
On-demand digital webinars for parents, carers, and professionals relating to Autism, ADHD and navigating the SEND world.
They can be accessed
The Toolbox
A dedicated website for ADHD and Autism support, offering inspirational content, self-help tools, and interactive livestreams. It also guides users to additional services and interventions in Hertfordshire. The website has an anonymous live chat which provides a safe and supportive environment for young individuals to discuss their feelings and concerns with a live person. All accessible at
Understanding my Autism/ADHD Workshops
These workshops are for Hertfordshire children aged 7-16 with Autism, ADHD, or both. Workshops are delivered in group settings and are available both online and face-to-face. Referrals can be made by parents, carers, or professionals.
For more information and updates on Autumn term availability, visit
Voices of Hertfordshire
We are excited to be hosting the next Voices ofHertfordshire meeting in March. Click here to find out more information.
Did you know The Holy Family Catholic Primary School is one of 24 schools taking part in the partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS Project).
This is a new national programme which aims to improve outcomes for children and young people attending mainstream primary schools who are neurodiverse.
You can read the most recent update of the project’s progress in our second PINS newsletter (February 2025). The first PINS newsletter (November2024) can be read via the link.
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for Children
Click here to find out more
Who can support with your application?
Making a claim for DLA can be a long and emotionally draining process, but there are organisations that can support you with your application:
Money Advice Unit (MAU) may be able assist with claims for DLA. If you are a parent of a disabled child, you can refer yourself to their services by ringing 01438 843 456.
Your local Citizens Advice Service. Tel 0800 144 8848
The charity Contact have created a clear in-depth guide to claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
Helpline: 0808 808 3555