28 June 2024

Nursery June 2024 LOTC


Nursery have been learning about friendships and what qualities make a good friend. We started the session by sharing our ideas around the circle then we read the story ‘Millie Sharing’. The children had a good understanding of the story and made some good predictions.



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12 May 2024

Nursery Summer 1 LOTC April and May 2024



Nursery have started to talk about measuring length in Maths and using the correct language such as longer and shorter. We also spoke about the fact that we can measure the length of different objects using our feet! In pairs, we then went outside and used our feet to measure…

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27 March 2024

Nursery Spring 2 2024


After introducing our new Maths topic ‘Position’, Nursery completed an obstacle course following positional language. We stepped inside the hoops and put it over the top of our heads, jumped on top of the mats, ran in between the cones and ran around the tree 5 times!

“I went…

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1 February 2024

Pancake Day 29th January 2024

Nursery have been talking about Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) and why it is celebrated every year. We spoke about how other countries celebrate and discussed our favourite toppings! We then shared pancakes and talked about whether we liked them or not.


“I like blueberries on my…

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1 February 2024

Autumn Term 2 December 2023 Learning Outside the Classroom

Nursery have been learning all about the Christmas story and that baby Jesus was born the ‘Son of God’. We listened to the story and were able to answer some questions about the characters. We then travelled to Bethlehem using the outdoor area and spotted rabbits and worms on our way!


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Image of 25.09.23
25 September 2023


Nursery went to forest school and created some bark rubbings! We spoke about the different patterns we could make and the colours we would use. We also used some leaves to see what patterns we could make.

“Bark is on the tree!”

“We can use the logs to make a pattern!”

“I have used pink to…

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Image of 18.09.23
18 September 2023


Nursery shared the story ‘God Knows My Name’ which explains how God loves everybody in the whole world. We then spoke about the symbols of God and what they represent. Nursery then collected a range of natural materials and made three symbols that reminded them of God (cross, prayer table and a…

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Image of 11.09.23
11 September 2023


After learning about Autumn, Nursery spoke about what animals may hibernate in the Winter time. We discussed what natural resources we could use to create an animal home and collected them as a group.

“Hibernation means sleeping!”

“The hedgehog needs a pillow!”

“The leaves make it soft…

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Image of 06.09.23
6 September 2023


Nursery went to forest school for the first time today! We spoke about the class rules and how to keep ourselves safe in the area. We then explored the wooded area and collected different size twigs which we put in order from shortest to longest.

“This stick is the longest one!”

“We might…

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