
Nursery have been learning about friendships and what qualities make a good friend. We started the session by sharing our ideas around the circle then we read the story ‘Millie Sharing’. The children had a good understanding of the story and made some good predictions.


“If someone doesn’t play nicely, they will not be friends with you!”

“Sharing is caring!”

“Millie must make a good choice!”

“Millie should have shared her monkey toy!”

“I share my toys with my brother!”


Nursery have been learning about capacity in Maths and finding out how much water different containers can hold. We decided to go to forest school to see how many natural objects we could fit into a small container to make sure it was full. We then counted the objects out by emptying our containers.

“I have filled mine up!”

“Mine is half-full!”

“Mine is a little bit full!”

“I have fitted in 17 objects!”

“I have counted 26!”