
Reception have been learning about different minibeasts and where we might find them. We decided to go on a mini-beast hunt at forest school to look for them!

“There is a pond skater!”

“I can see a water snail around the pond!”

“There are lots of worms under the wood!”

“I can see a slug in the mud!”

“Some minibeasts like to live under rocks!”





Reception have been learning about the Pentecost and how Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to Earth. We spoke about how the disciplines were feeling when Jesus went back to heaven and how they felt when the Holy Spirit came. We then acted out the scene using fire wands and bubbles to represent the wind. 

“The fire and the wind were above their heads!”

“The disciplines were very sad when Jesus went to heaven!”

“The disciplines felt happy when the Holy Spirit came!”

“You can’t see the Holy Spirit!”

“I was sad when I said goodbye to my cousins!”