April 2024


We have been very busy this term in outdoor learning! We have taken our science learning outside to begin our science topic ‘Plants and Growth’. We went on an environment walk and became ‘flower detectives’, trying to identify which plants or flowers grow within the school grounds. It was lots of fun. We found tulips, roses, and lots of daisies. We even found a plant that smelt like basil. We discovered that lots of the plants and flowers have buds that haven’t bloomed yet. We then discussed what flowers need to grow, recapping our learning from year 2. They need water, oxygen, room to grow, nutrients and sunlight. We are going to go on another walk in a few weeks and see if there are any changes to what’s growing! We have also carried on one of our maths lessons outside. We have been learning about fractions, and we decided to see if we could create fractions using natural materials. We started with a whole (most of us chose a stick), then had to represent this as two halves, and finally show it as thirds. Some of us went one step further and recorded the fraction as a bar model, just like we have in class.