
During P.E outside, Reception has been practising finding a safe space to move around in different ways and avoid others while changing direction. We then pretended to be butterflies in the rainforest and moved using high and low movements to avoid the snakes and frogs! We learnt that we had to be honest if caught during the games in order to play fairly.

“I have been caught by the frog!”

“I have found a space on the field!”

“I ran away from the snake!”

“I helped my friend who was stuck!”

“I want to be the frog Mrs Whorlow!”




Reception have been learning about floating and sinking and whether objects could be adapted to change how things work. In order to find this out, we conducted an experiment using a selection of fruits and adapted them by peeling, wrapping them in foil, placing them in a container and cutting them.

“When we peeled the orange it sank.”

“The tomato floated when we put it in a container!”

“The top half of the pear floated!”

“We covered the bottom part of the pear in foil and it floated!”

“When the pear was chopped in half, it sank!”